The book «Każdy pyta, co z nami będzie» by Dr. Maria Ferenc received an honorable mention in The Yad Vashem International Book Prize for Holocaust Research 2022

Written by: Jewish Historical Institute
We are happy to announce that the book "«Każdy pyta, co z nami będzie». Mieszkańcy getta warszawskiego wobec wiadomości o wojnie i Zagładzie” by Dr. Maria Ferenc from the JHI Research Department received an honorable mention from the jury Yad Vashem International Book Prize for Holocaust Research 2022 . The work was published by the JHI Publishing House.
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The Yad Vashem International Book Prize for Holocaust Research 2022 is an award granted since 1988 by the Yad Vashem Institute to publications on topics related to the Holocaust in recognition of their particularly high research level. This year, the first prize went to Prof. Rebecca Clifford for her book "Survivors: Children's Lives After the Holocaust".

We congratulate Dr. Maria Ferenc on such an honorable distinction!

It is not the first prize that has been awarded to Dr. Maria Ferenc for her book. She received also The KLIO Award, The History Award of "Polityka" and The Józef A. Gierowski and Chone Shmeruk Award for her publication. The author was also nominated to The Memorial Prize of the First Rector of the University of Lodz Professor Tadeusz Kotarbiński. We are currently waiting for the announcement of the results.


You can buy the book "«Każdy pyta, co z nami będzie». Mieszkańcy getta warszawskiego wobec wiadomości o wojnie i Zagładzie” in our bookstore.

Jewish Historical Institute