Treasury for the priceless Archive. See how we store documents from the Warsaw ghetto

Written by: Przemysław Batorski
Within the Oneg Szabat Program, we strive to provide the best possible storage conditions for the invaluable collection of documents – the Ringelblum Archive. In May 2021, we have completed the next important phase of the long-term modernization project of the former Main Judaic Library building at 3/5 Tłomackie Street in Warsaw. We reserved a space within the special collection’s storehouse and created a repository dedicated solely to housing the Underground Archive of the Warsaw Ghetto. Thanks to this, we managed to provide even better protection for the Archive, meeting the highest global standards for storing archival documentation.

The Association of the Jewish Historical Institute of Poland initiated the creation of the Ringelblum Archive Repository in cooperation with the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute and with the generous support of Tad Taube and Taube Philanthropies.

The teasury; Beniamin Rozenfeld, 'Staging point' / Ringelblum Archive, JHI collection, Delet portal


A selection of the original documents from the Ringelblum Archive collection is displayed in the permanent exhibition of the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute, titled “What we we’ve been unable to shout out to the world”.  The exhibition will be reopened for the public on May 10.


All the documents from the Ringelblum Archive collection are also digitized and available on the Delet website.

We invite you to explore the Delet website and, once it is possible to travel safely again, to visit the permanent exhibition at the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute.


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Przemysław Batorski   JHI Web Editor