22 July 2020. March of Remembrance
On the 78th anniversary of the beginning of the great liquidation action of the Warsaw ghetto, the Jewish Historical Institute and its partners invite you to the March of Remembrance.

On July 22, 1942, the Germans began deporting the inhabitants of the Warsaw ghetto to Treblinka. The brutal liquidation action that lasted nearly two months resulted in the death of over 300,000 Jews. During the ninth March of Remembrance we will especially commemorate Adam Czerniaków – the educator, social activist and journalist, city councilor of Warsaw, senator of the Second Polish Republic. In the Warsaw ghetto, he was the president of the Judenrat (Jewish Council). On July 23, the day after the ‘resettlement’ began, Adam Czerniaków committed suicide, which was an expression of protest and helplessness against the deportation of the ghetto inhabitants, especially small orphans.

This year’s March, unlike in previous years, will last not one day but almost two months, referring to the duration of the ‘Grossaktion Warschau’. From July 22 to September 21 you will be able to individually and at your own convenience pass the symbolic route ‘from death to life’ starting at the Umschlagplatz monument and ending this year at Chłodna 20 street in Warsaw, at the place where Adam Czerniaków lived until his death.

Ribbons of Remembrance

At 20 Chłodna Street in Warsaw, at the seat of the Archeology of Photography Foundation, a special artistic installation will be created. You will be able to put on it Ribbons of Remembrance with the names of murdered Warsaw Jews.

We invite you to write and hang the Ribbons of Remembrance, which, together with the map with the route of the March, will be available to you in the following places, during the opening hours of individual institutions:

• Jewish Historical Institute – reception

• Jewish Community of Warsaw

The route of the march: Umschlagplatz (Stawki and Dzika streets), Stawki, Karmelicka, Anielewicza streets, Jana Pawła II Avenue, Dzielna, Smocza, Nowolipie, Żelazna, Chłodna streets.

We encourage you to document your participation and send recordings to the address promocja@jhi.pl. We want to create a short movie that connects us all in one March of Remembrance. For this purpose, please read the necessary information about data processing and the regulations (Polish only):



We invite you to take photos of your march and share photos on social media.



Archeology of Photography Foundation

The Memory of Treblinka Foundation

Shalom Foundation

POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews

Association of the Jewish Historical Institute in Poland

Hillel Warsaw

Forum for Dialogue

JCC Warsaw

Taube Center

Warsaw Ghetto Museum

Stowarzyszenie Drugie Pokolenie

Stowarzyszenie Dzieci Holokaustu

Jewish Community of Warsaw


Day: 22.07.2020
Hour: 00:00
Place: ŻIH