Doomed to resist? A special event marking the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in Berlin
Join us for a symposium organized in cooperation with the Pilecki Institute and Touro University, that will take place on April 17, 2023 at the Pilecki Institute in Berlin.
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The event will be held in English and German.


With the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising approaching soon, we would like to cordially invite you to a special two-part event:

13.00-17.00 – Academic Symposium (in English)
18.00 – Movie screening, "Marek Edelman.... Und es gab Liebe im Ghetto" (in German)

17.04.2023 | Pariser Platz 4A, 10117 Berlin | Register here:

Organized by the Pilecki-Institut Berlin, the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute (Warsaw) and Touro University (Berlin)

Academic Symposium

The Pilecki Institute in Berlin is organizing a scholarly conference entitled "Doomed to Resistance?" in cooperation with the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute (Warsaw) and Touro University (Berlin) to mark the 80th anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The purpose of the event is to commemorate this important part of the history of the Holocaust and to recall this fragment of Polish-Jewish history in Germany. The conference will feature short lectures by and discussions with scholars from participating institutions. Researchers, students, teachers and educators, and all those interested in the topic of the event are invited to attend.



Moderation Dr. Bartosz Borys, JHI (TBC)
13:00-13:15 Welcome speech (TBC)

Panel 1

13:15-13:35 „Attitudes, Beliefs, Moods and Identity in the Warsaw Ghetto before the Uprising”, Dr. Agnieszka Żółkiewska, JHI

13:35-13:55 „The Ringelblum Archive. Its creation, phenomenon and postwar history”, Dr. Justyna Majewska, JHI (participation online)

13:55-14:15 „Ringelblum Archive and research on the Holocaust. State of the field”, Dr. hab. Katarzyna Person, JHI

14:15-14:40 Q&A session, discussion

14:40-15:30 Lunch break

Panel 2

15:30-15:50 „The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising as a case study for the research on civil courage”, Mateusz Fałkowski, Pilecki Institute

15:50-16:10 „German post-war perceptions of Jewish resistance”, Dr. Stephan Lehnstaedt, Touro University Berlin

16:10-16:30 „Dealing of German courts with the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in the 1960s”, Dr. Peter Klein, Touro University Berlin

16:30-17:00 Q&A session, discussion

17:00-17:30 Coffee break

18:00-20:00 Film screening: “Marek Edelman… I była miłość w Getcie” (OmDU), the movie will be shown in German


"War es eigentlich möglich, sich inmitten des Warschauer Ghettos zu verlieben und eine Liebesbeziehung zu führen? Wie war es möglich, in den schweren Zeiten eine Bindung zu einem Menschen aufzubauen, ohne zu wissen, welchen Weg das Schicksal für sie vorgesehen hat? Basierend auf Marek Edelmans Buch und seinen Erinnerungen zeigen die Filmemacher Jolanta Dylewska und Andrzej Wajda, wie im Warschauer Ghetto die Liebe zu einem hohen Gut wurde, das sogar stärker als das Leben selbst war."

Day: 17.04.2023
Hour: 13:00
Place: Pilecki Institut in Berlin, Pariser Platz 4A, 10117 Berlin