Grossaktion Warsaw: 80 Years Later
In the fourth and final program in the series Grossaktion Warsaw: 80 Years Later, Talking Memory Series will examine the ways in which the Warsaw ghetto is remembered and commemorated. The event will start on 9 pm Jerusalem time on October 23, 2022.
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Talking Memory Series presents:

Grossaktion Warsaw: 80 Years Later

Join us for the fourth and final program on Sunday, October 23rd

Beyond the Umschlagplatz:

Remembering the Warsaw Ghetto


Guest Moderator:

Prof. Liat Steir-Livny


In conversation with:

Dr. Maria Ferenc

Slawomir Grunberg

Eric Bednarski


In the fourth and final program in the series Grossaktion Warsaw:  80 Years Later, we will examine the ways in which the Warsaw ghetto is remembered and commemorated.

Prof. Liat Steir-Livny, an expert on Holocaust commemoration, will moderate a discussion with a panel of speakers who are the agents of memory today.  Dr. Maria Ferenc researches the real-time information, such as rumours and false news, disseminated in the Warsaw ghetto and its surroundings and how they affect what Jews in the ghetto know about the Holocaust as it was happening.  Slawomir Grunberg and Eric Bednarski have directed prize winning documentary films based on authentic documents, real-time film and testimonies of survivors in order to create a tangible commemoration of Jewish Warsaw and the Warsaw ghetto. Together, they will discuss how they are using authentic material in order to remember a community that is almost non-existent 80 years later. 

Register here:


As part of this event, there will be a limited screening of two films that deal with the Warsaw ghetto and were directed by Grunberg (Karski & the Lords of Humanity) and Bednarski (Warsaw:  A City Divided).

All registrants will receive a link to see the films in a separate e-mail on Thursday, October 20th that will be open for screening until October 23rd


You can watch the trailers here:

Karski & the Lords of Humanity:

Warsaw: A City Divided:



This program is in partnership with:


Classrooms Without Borders

Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Center

The Rabin Chair Forum at George Washington University

Moreshet Holocaust & Research Center

Institute for the History of Polish Jewry at the University of Tel Aviv

Polish Institute in Tel Aviv

Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute

Day: 23.10.2022
Hour: 20:00
Place: online