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Marian Turski has passed away
Call for papers for international conference "Not the End, Not the Beginning"
The Mystery of Izrael Lejzerowicz's painting has been solved!
The inauguration of the EHRI Polish National Node
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Invitation to archivists and scholars to participate in EHRI expert groups
EHRI (European Holocaust Research Infrastructure) is one of the most important research projects on the history of Jews during World War II, in which the Jewish Historical Institute participates. We invite you to join the expert groups of the project.
“Hanukkah is a celebration of joy and happiness.” Report from the Hanukkah gala concert on 29th November
On 29th November 2021, a Hanukkah concert was held at the National Philharmonic in Warsaw, during which the audience heard the music of Sergei Prokofiev and George Gershwin. The concert was organized by the Jewish Historical Institute in cooperation with the Social and Cultural Society of Jews in Poland, the Chabad Lubavitch Poland community and the Warsaw Ghetto Museum.
Happy Hanukkah!
The directorship and employees of the Jewish Historical Institute wish you a happy Hanukkah.
JHI director Monika Krawczyk notifies the prosecutor's office about the events in Kalisz
On 11th November 2021, an anti-Semitic demonstration took place in Kalisz, during which the text of the Kalisz Statute, a document from the 13th century granting civil rights to Jews, was publicly burnt, in order to intice hatred against Jews. The director of the Jewish Historical Institute, Monika Krawczyk, submitted an official notification of a suspected cirme to the prosecutor's office.
The false messiah. Who was Sabbatai Zevi?
In the mid-17th century, the Jews of the Middle East were overwhelmed by a case of messianic fever. It was brought about by Sabbatai Zevi, the founder of the Sabbatean movement. Who was the man who shocked the entire Jewish world and started a heresy that lasted over a hundred years?
October 29, 1942. Assassination of Jakub Lejkin
79 years ago, the Jewish Combat Organization carried out its first execution in the Warsaw Ghetto. Eliahu Różański shot Jakub Lejkin – the chief of the Jewish police in Gęsia Street. Read how reports from the Ringelblum Archive describe the circumstances.
The ‘Jan Karski and Pola Nireńska’ Award announced for 2021
We know the laureate of the ‘Jan Karski and Pola Nireńska’ Award for 2021!
“Hidden image. Vilna Gaon” – report from the temporary exhibition opening
At the Jewish Historical Institute, we have opened a new temporary exhibition “Hidden image. Vilna Gaon", dedicated to one of the most outstanding scholars in the history of Judaism. Read the report from the exhibition opening, which took place on 21st October 2021.
Hidden Image. Vilna Gaon – visit the temporary exhibition until April 28, 2022
Rabbi Elijahu ben Shlomo Zalman, known as the Genius (Gaon in Hebrew) from Vilna, was a unique individual in the history of Judaism. As one of the greatest Jewish scholars, he shaped the modern study of the Talmud and participated in the turbulent religious disputes of his time. His fame radiated all over Europe. See the preview of the temporary exhibition at the Jewish Historical Institute.
Call For Papers: Bridging Divides. Rupture and Continuity in Polish Jewish History
We invite you to send abstracts to the conference organized on the 75th anniversary of the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute. The conference will be held in English. The deadline for submitting abstracts has been updated to December 20, 2021.
Who was the Vilna Gaon?
A mysterious scholar, one of the greatest Talmud experts, the legendary “genius” from Vilnius, was esteemed and appreciated, although he did not publish anything during his lifetime. Take a look at the introduction to the new temporary exhibition.
A walk in hell. Photos by Heinrich Jost from the Warsaw Ghetto
On 19th September 1941, it was Wehrmacht sergeant Heinrich Jöst’s birthday. He wanted to see how life looked in the Warsaw Ghetto, officially termed by the Germans as the “Jewish residential district”. With his camera he took 140 photos. What did Jöst see “on the other side” of the ghetto wall?
Rosh Hashanah 5782
Today at sundown begins the most important Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah. A two-day long holiday, also known as the "day of blowing the horn," will last until sunset on September 8.
See images and writings from the Łódź Ghetto in the collection of the Jewish Historical Institute
Out of all the ghettos in occupied Poland, the Łódź Ghetto survived the longest – until August 1944. It was, however, likewise doomed to extermination. 78 years ago the Germans completed the deportation of its inhabitants to Auschwitz. We encourage you to view and read the rich materials from the Łódź Ghetto belonging to the collections of the Jewish Historical Institute on our portal – the Central Judaic Library.
Quiet like a pigeon. Daniel Fligelman
A student and a refugee from Aleksandrów Kujawski, Daniel Fligelman transcribed, edited and copied testimonies about persecution of Jews in the ghettos, in the Eastern Borderlands, in labor camps. A „biting sense of humor” was a distinctive feature in his writings.
Declaration on statements made by Israeli politicians in reaction to the adoption of the amendment to the Code of Administrative Procedure by the Parliament of the Republic of Poland
We present the Declaration on statements made by Israeli politicians in reaction to the adoption of the amendment to the Code of Administrative Procedure by the Parliament of the Republic of Poland, issued by the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute and The Social and Cultural Association of Jews in Poland.
”Trying to dispel the myth”. Katarzyna Person on Jewish Order Service for “Times of Israel”
Katarzyna Person, assistant professor, Jewish Historical Institute, editor of the Complete Edition of the Ringelblum Archive, tells the “Times of Israel” about the Order Service, or the Jewish police in the Warsaw Ghetto.
"Treblinka must cease to exist." Read the account of the rebellion at the extermination camp on August 2, 1943
78 years ago, Jewish prisoners of the Treblinka II extermination camp rose up against SS men and guards. The destruction of the extermination center mattered more to them than saving their own lives. Read the story of Samuel Rajzman, who took part in the rebellion and after the war deposited his account at the Jewish Historical Institute.
"They catch people in the streets." Beginning of the great deportation from the Warsaw Ghetto, July 22, 1942
79 years ago, the worst predictions of the inhabitants of the Warsaw ghetto came true. The Germans began the "relocation to the east" – a mass deportation of Jews through the Umschlagplatz to the gas chambers of the Treblinka extermination camp. About 300,000 Jews were murdered by September 21.
“Unprecedented in the history of mankind.” The great deportation from the Warsaw ghetto through the eyes of Abraham Lewin
79 years ago, the Germans began the great deportation of the inhabitants of the Warsaw ghetto to the Treblinka II extermination camp. 300,000 Jews were led to their deaths. Abraham Lewin, teacher, writer and member of the Oneg Shabbat group, described these terrible events in his diary.
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